Healing Grey

The Wayapa WayEarth Mind Body Spirit WellbeingIndigenous Wisdom - Connection to Country

Change Makers

What does centering Indigenous Ways of Being look like in your place of creation?

Wayapa Wuurrkk

Wayapa® is an earth connection practice that is based on ancient Indigenous wisdom that focuses on taking care of the Earth as the starting point for creating Earth Mind Body Spirit well-being.
Living in harmony with their environment is what sustained Australian Aboriginal people to be one of the world’s oldest, continuous living culture – for over 80,000 years!
Today, for most of us, we have become disconnected from our environment, from our tribe, from our food and from our Spirit. Through a combination of Earth mindfulness, narrative meditation, a series of physical movements and taking action to look after the planet, Wayapa® provides a sense of belonging to the Earth while creating holistic well-being.isdom?
Workshops are run with a focus of shifting stagnant energy in your place of creation.

Rebecca Quin

Uniting Naarm with the Spirit of Lutruwita, TasmaniaRebecca offers a bold yet grounding exploration to the invited environment, moving intuitively with all participants, creating space for voices and ideas to be shared with exploration, creating real world impact. Wayapa Wuurrk grounds the journey together, through honouring the natural elements of Mother Earth to guide us - connecting to country.Sharing from this place of wisdom has created cultural shifts in Local Community, Organisations, Universities, Health Service Providers, Schools and Early Learning Centers.Join us in finding our authentic voices together, driving positive change, and backing First Nation voices and wisdom for holistic wellbeing.

Connect with Us

Navigating change together. Schedule your 1hr, 2hr or half day workshop, programed to complement your own personal healing the Wayapa Way or to strengthen the foundations of your organisation's Reconciliation Journey.Simply email us at [email protected] or complete the form below to request a transformative experience with Rebecca and join the Wayapa Way.

Thank you

We acknowledge we dance live and work on the unceded lands of First Nations peoples and centre our Elders voices in all our efforts towards healing the injustices inflicted on these sacred lands.We take care of country, country takes care of us.